Who we are
The communities of Kaipara are closely connected and passionate about our moana and whenua. Together, we share a desire to protect our land, oceans, rivers and streams to ensure a healthy environment now and for generations to come. Pest Free Peninsulas Kaipara is a hard working collective striving to restore native bush and wetlands, allowing native fauna to regenerate. This is achieved through the monitoring and eradication of introduced species such as the brushtail possum, rats and mustelids.
Started in 2017 by Shaun Holland with a vision to connect and equip land owners with the tools and advice they need to start trapping on their own properties, the community project has grown significantly. After countless trap lines set and cleared, hours of mentoring and advice, and funding support by Northland Regional Council, Pest Free Peninuslas Kaipara is now trapping over 6,000 hectares on more than 200 properties across Hukatere, Matakohe, Petley, Pahi, Te Pahi and Whakapirau peninsulas.
OUR Progress - on record
What are the target species?
The main threats to our native wildlife are: mustelids (stoats, weasels, ferrets), rats, possums and hedgehogs.
What can I do at home?
It doesn’t matter if you have a small section or a large block of land , anything any of us can do to eliminate pests all counts towards the end goal. At a very basic level, home snap traps and rodent bait is a great place to start but it is important to consider non target species, so consider using trapping tunnels and ensure the manufacturer’s directions are followed correctly.
What Is a Good Pest Control Strategy?
It is important to identify the main threat. This can be done by sight, trail camera or bite tags, then you can make a plan to target that species. We use and recommend DOC approved humane kill traps and or commercially available bait.
How widescale is the current programme in Kaipara?
Collectively we trap over 6,000 hectares of land in the Kaipara region, and have deployed over 300 possum and mustelid traps. With the most recent Community Pest Control Area (CPCA) approval, another 1,300 traps will be deployed over then next two years.
I need help with Pest Control, what resources can I access?
If you are keen to help the fight against the target species and see our amazing native wildlife return, we would love to come and discuss your pest control plan. We can assist in the supply of equipment and setting up of trap lines on your property.
Do you make money?
No, we are 100% volunteers with a common conservation goal.
I share your vision, where do I start?
If you live in the Kaipara region and want to make a massive difference, contact us below and we’ll meet up to discuss a plan for your property.
There are lots of great tips and build instructions if you enjoy a challenge and wish to deploy your own traps. It all helps!
OUR REcognition
Pest Free Peninsulas Kaipara was nominated for two categories in the 2021 Northland Regional Council Environmental Awards, winning the “Environmental action in pest management” category. We are delighted to have this recognition which further strengthens our ambitions to have a Pest Free Kaipara.

If you would like more information about Pest Free Peninsulas Kaipara, what we do, or would like to get involved, get in touch below or follow our group on Facebook.